(03) 9329 0933 [email protected]


Demonstrating Network Video as the experts in all things movies may seem like an obvious move in retrospect, but at the time it was a revolutionary message in the rental industry. Not only did it successfully raise awareness of Network Video as a brand, it made waves in the industry worldwide – not only did it win a national marketing award, but Keran also presented the unique campaign to the world at an international rental summit.


Network Ambassador Michael Winslow

The star of the Police Academy series and legendary stand-up comedian lent his world famous beat-boxing talents to make a series of distinctive spots that made everybody pay attention.


Network Ambassador
Molly Meldrum

Aligning with one of Australia’s true entertainment icons was always going to result in a strong, memorable campaign, and the results exceeded all expectations. Molly’s unique style combined with his unrivalled entertainment knowledge made him a perfect fit to be the face of Network Video.


The Cans4Films Festival

Corporate responsibility and philanthropy is close to the heart of The Network Group, and the successful Cans4Films charity raised thousands of tonnes of food for those less fortunate across hundreds of Network Video stores’ local communities.

Exclusive to Video

Early successes for us, network Video Choice and the AVRA award-winning Exclusive to Video showed off one of Network's enduring points of difference: our consistently strong buying across a broad range of product. Exclusive to Video showed that a movie made exclusively for the small screen could be even more enjoyable than many cinema released titles.We flagged NVC titles as "not the best known movies of the month, just the best movies of the month", and gave more members an unexpectedly good nights entertainment.

Pro Rental

This eye-catching and cheeky pro-rental campaign highlighted rental’s value and convenience. Both stores and customers alike reacted positively to this uniquely Network campaign.


Not On

The Not On campaign showed customers just how many titles in their local Network Video weren’t available on the major streaming services. Not only did this result in increased rentals for participating stores, but customers were amazed that there were so many titles that they only see at their local store.


Pee Wee Kids Club

The PeeWee Kids Club was a successful initiative to keep our youngest Network Video customers excited about their local store. With giveaways and prizes to be won, kids loved it!